What Is Pro Se?

The first and only app that reads and analyses privacy policies on your behalf, allowing you to make informed decisions on how to continue using mobile applications and online services. With Pro Se, you can specify what data you are willing to share, with whom and under what conditions. This constitutes your privacy protection profile.

Armed with your privacy protection profile and regulatory requirements, Pro Se applies cutting edge AI methods to analyse a privacy policy of any mobile app, online service or a website and provide you with key takeaways. Pro Se extracts facts about what data is being collected from you, by whom, for what purpose and what are your rights regarding privacy protection and managing how your data is being managed.


Briefly About Online
Privacy Protection

Do you wonder how companies offering popular online services and mobile applications for free manage to be multi-billion dollar businesses? Well, they collect your private information and sell it to advertising companies or benefit financially from your information in other ways. Data that is being collected at every step and every minute of your online presence can be used to construct complex profiles that can be used for targeted product placement, but also some more sinister purposes.

Protecting your online privacy is not just a task for regulators and governments. The bulk of the responsibility lies on you. The first step is to be informed about who collects what data from you and for what purpose and then to make informed decisions on how to protect your private data.


The Reality Of
Privacy Policy

The only way end users can know what is happening with their private data while using online services is by reading and understanding privacy policies.The problem is that the mechanism behind privacy policies is broken.End users are not reading them, and if they did chances are they would not understand them.Privacy policies are long documents written in legal language.

On the other side, businesses are also struggling.Whenever they try to be more transparent with their privacy practices they risk scaring off end users.They need means for testing user acceptance of their privacy practices.

What is A
Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is an official, regulated document that all online service providers and mobile app providers must prepare if they collect and work with your personal information.Through a privacy policy they inform you about what data they are collecting from you, for what purpose, with whom they share it, how they use it and what are your rights in that context.

Regulators mandate that all privacy protection and personal data handling practices are disclosed in a form of a privacy policy document. Legal teams of the companies behind online services that benefit from your private data intentionally obfuscate questionable data practices in a hard to understand legal language.

what is a privacy policy








why prose

Why Pro Se?

You must understand that regulations like GDPR do not prevent businesses and organisations from collecting and using your private information for their benefits. What regulations do mandate, is that these data collection and usage practices are disclosed at least in a format of a privacy policy document and that you must agree to it. Let’s face it, no one has time to read long documents written in legal language. And you are not going to employ a lawyer to read a privacy policy for a new mobile game.

So what can you do? Let Pro Se take over the cumbersome job of reading and understanding privacy policies. Pro Se is at your fingertips whenever you want to install a new mobile application or create a new account. If you value your online privacy, you should always first analyse a privacy policy of a service/application you want to start using, get informed about their privacy practices and then decide on if and how you will continue using them.

Pro Se For You

Make Informed
Decisions With Pro Se

Are you worried about privacy practices of a service or mobile application, but you think there are no alternatives? Trust us, there is a good alternative for every online service, tool and application out there. With Pro Se you can compare privacy practices of two selected services or applications and choose the one that best addresses your privacy protection requirements the best.

Bear in mind that privacy practices are constantly changing and more often than not you will be notified that a privacy policy of a service you have been using for some time has been updated. Pro Se has you covered here. Every time a privacy policy which you have already analysed with Pro Se is updated, we will inform you, pointing out the key changes and how they impact your privacy protection preferences.


Using Pro Se

Rather than spending hours poring over lengthy privacy policies, our app speeds up the process by quickly looking at and getting key information. This saves you time and allows you to evaluate the privacy practices of various platforms and services efficiently.

The app goes beyond simple surface analysis. It goes deep into privacy policies, analysing critical aspects such as data collection, storage, sharing practices, and third-party partnerships. It draws attention to any red flags or questionable practices that could put your private data at risk. This information lets you make informed decisions and take appropriate steps to protect your privacy.

Pro Se allows you to compare privacy practices of alternative solutions.

Use Pro Se to analyze privacy policies of any application or service before choosing to actually use them.

Pro Se is always with you - on a smartphone and within web browsers.

Pro Se allows you to specify your own privacy protection preferences.

Pro Se will inform you when a privacy policy is updated.

Use Pro Se to build archive of all privacy policies you have accepted or declined never to loose track of your consents.

Pro Se checks regulatory compliance, but more importantly, how a privacy policy addresses your preferences.

Pro Se will inform you when a privacy policy is updated.
